How to take protein ?

Proteins are essential nutrients for the proper functioning of the body. They are the basis for the creation and renewal of bone and hair cells as well as muscles and organs. While a well-balanced diet provides enough protein to keep the body healthy, weight trainers, weight gainers and those with deficiencies need to increase their intake. The question then arises as to how to take your protein. In fact, there is no such thing as a protein, but rather proteins. The term « protein » refers to a group of molecules (called amino acids) with clearly defined complementary roles. So, to choose your protein correctly and know how to take it, you must first determine which aspect of your body you want to work on or which deficiency you absolutely must make up for.

Protein in all its forms

Each type of protein is made up of a precise sequence of several amino acids. Depending on this sequence, the protein will perform one function or another, such as tissue renewal or nitrogen transport, for example. The body is able to produce some (so-called ‘non-essential’) amino acids but not all. Indeed, the body is unable to produce essential amino acids. It is therefore necessary to provide these amino acids by eating protein foods. Their absorption must be daily and varied enough for a person who wishes to maintain his weight, but it must be targeted when it is a question of gaining muscle mass or making up for a deficiency in an amino acid. To boost the creation and renewal of cells, there are animal proteins, vegetable proteins and protein powders.

Animal proteins

Meat, poultry, fish, shellfish, eggs and dairy products are important sources of protein. In fact, eggs alone contain all the essential amino acids. So, when you are on a protein diet, taking animal protein is a good way to achieve a sufficient daily intake. However, as not all animal protein foods contain the same essential amino acids, it is essential to vary your intake.

Plant proteins

Soya, cereals, nuts and legumes are the main sources of vegetable protein. However, the essential amino acid content of plants is less interesting than that of meat. Indeed, the number of acids present in each food is more limited (only 5 essential amino acids in soya compared to 7 in poultry or fish). Therefore, to have a consistent and balanced intake, it is advisable to vary your consumption of plant proteins throughout the week. Moreover, no vegetable protein contains threonine. Therefore, either you have to eat eggs or you have to supplement your diet with protein powder.

Protein powder

Protein and bodybuilding go hand in hand, as certain amino acids help to build muscle mass. Sportsmen and women are therefore major consumers of protein powder. In addition, lactose intolerant people and vegans may have amino acid deficiencies due to their diets. Protein powders are also suitable for them. These products are made from extracts of foods that are naturally rich in protein. For example, when whey is made, the fat, sugar and water are removed from the whey to leave only the protein in the food. There are several ways to get your protein. As part of a normal, balanced diet, natural sources of protein are sufficient for the body’s needs. To get all the essential amino acids needed for the body to function properly, you need to eat both animal and plant-based proteins. While the best protein is natural, foods that contain a lot of protein provide other nutrients that can cause imbalances for those who want to build muscle mass, for example. Some diets can also cause protein deficiencies because the richest foods are forbidden. In these cases, it is perfectly possible to consume protein powders. The advantage of these products is that they contain only essential amino acids and no other nutrients. They are therefore a good supplement to the protein intake of the diet but do not replace it entirely.